How to Read the MK3 Preset Names

How to Read the MK3 Preset Names

Due to the fact that the software doesn’t allow room for a full description of all the filter parameters, the information displayed is confined to the elements that are different rather than including all the parameters.

  • All the high-pass filters are the same (30Hz) with the exception of the Good Neighbor modes (GNM/Vinyl) which is 40Hz.

  • Since all the high-pass filters are the same, the high-pass filter frequency is not displayed repeatedly and in the case of the Good Neighbor/Vinyl modes, just the mode is displayed along with the low-pass frequency.

  • All the filters are 24dB/octave slopes, so that information isn’t displayed.

  • The things that do change, the low-pass filter frequency and the filter type, are displayed.

  • The filter type of Linkwitz-Riley is subsequently abbreviated as LR.

  • The filter type of Butterworth is subsequently abbreviated as BW.

A set of presets has been provided for users of other brands of tops. These presets are distinguished by the addition of “UNALIGNED” in the description. These presets DO NOT ALIGN with all BASSBOSS subs and tops and they are NOT guaranteed to align with any other brand of tops however they MAY be easier to align with other brands of tops depending upon the processing within those tops and the ability to make changes to the settings within those tops.

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