CCM presets take a long time to change?
Q: CCM presets take a long time to change?
The presets within the CCM are very different, specifically between 2 and 3, between 4 and 5 and between 6 and 7.
The next preset will load if you press the button only once but it takes a little time to activate all the different settings in the processing so you have to wait a few seconds for it to engage.
Generally speaking it’s not necessary to change presets once the cabinet is in place for use. If you plan to move the cabinets frequently during a show, it might be worth planning to use the same angle position each time, which would eliminate the need to change the preset. Changing the position of an ordinary monitor would tend to make it necessary to ring them out in each new location, which would usually take longer than the 10 seconds or so that it takes to load a preset.
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